Once the summer is over, the reproductive instinct of the deer is awakened. Males in adulthood emit characteristic sounds known as “bellowing”, with the aim of attracting the female showing they are worth, compared to other males. Large males fight each other, in a kind of ritual. The winners are usually the best-endowed specimens and in this way they are guaranteed to mate with as many females as possible.

This ritual of sounds and fights takes place from mid-September to mid-October throughout the meadows of Extremadura and is known as “El lance de la berrea del ciervo”. A natural spectacle that is worth living at least once in the Monfragüe National Park, where there may be an estimated population of between 14,000 and 15,000 specimens. They can also be found further north towards the “Valle del Jerte” area.

After days of fighting, the winning males are the ones that will attract a greater number of females to become his harem and the mating process begins after which, about eight months later, around the month of May, the fawns are born, which will not be detached from their mothers until the next delivery.

Normally, the best time of day to watch the bellowing is usually in the late afternoon, which is when the deer goes out into the clearings in the mountains and open areas. I should say that cloudy or rainy days are also appropriate. Finally, it’s a good idea to use the services of specialized companies as they offer guided and organized outings to observe the bellowing. It can be an interesting option if we do not have much time and we want to play it safe.